Thursday, February 27, 2014

First sub 3

23rd of February 2014 will a day I will always remember. This is the day when I finished my first 100+km ride in under 3 hours. The 103km Carnival City Macsteel National Classic Cycle Race for 2014 was completed in the time of 02:57, with an average speed of 34.5km/h. This was my third ride on the road bike this year after doing the bulk of my training on my mountain bike and everything fell into place.
Riding in a big group really helps - which I did for about 60km of the ride, there was a section of about 40km in the middle of the race, where I was in between groups and I had to battle against the wind by myself. I must admit it was a bit nerve racking riding in the bunches and I had to be really sharp on my brakes a few times. I enjoyed the race and was really chuffed that I beat my time from last year by 16 minutes and managed to crack the elusive 3hour barrier. Here are my Strava stats of the ride.
After the ride holding the spoils of war
Some of the gangsters from road group I sometimes train with  

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